Zerod blog

Learn how to grow your business with our expert hackers advice.


Mar 28, 2023


The dangers of cybersecurity in social networks and how to protect yourself

Social networks have brought a new set of risks, including personal information that can be used to commit financial fraud. To protect yourself, be mindful of what you share online, update your privacy settings, use strong passwords, and consider cybersecurity services like Zerod.

Xavi Bertomeu

Zerod team

Mar 14, 2023


The importance of cybersecurity in the Cloud

Cloud computing poses unique security risks, and it's crucial to prioritize cybersecurity to protect sensitive data, ensure business continuity, comply with regulations, and maintain customer trust. To ensure cybersecurity in the cloud, it's important to choose a trusted cloud provider, implement strong access controls, encrypt data, and monitor for potential threats. Zerod can provide cybersecurity services to help protect your business from potential security threats in the cloud.

Xavi Bertomeu

Zerod team


Mar 14, 2023


What’s a honeypot?

In today's Zerod article, we want to talk to you about honeypots. A honeypot is a cybersecurity technique that involves creating a fake and enticing computer system or resource for cybercriminals with the purpose of attracting, detecting, and studying their malicious activities. Essentially, a honeypot is like a trap designed to lure attackers and analyze their tactics, techniques, and procedures.

Xavi Bertomeu

Zerod team


Feb 28, 2023


5 cybersecurity measures you must implement in your e-commerce

E-commerce websites are vulnerable to cyberattacks that can lead to theft of sensitive information and legal liabilities. Measures such as training employees and updating software can help protect against these risks.

Xavi Bertomeu

Zerod team

star net

Feb 28, 2023


Bug Bounty vs Pentesting: Understanding the Differences to Strengthen Your Cybersecurity

Bug Bounty and Pentesting are two different approaches to finding vulnerabilities and weaknesses in an organization's information systems. At Zerod, we understand the importance of identifying and addressing vulnerabilities before they can be exploited by cybercriminals.

Xavi Bertomeu

Zerod team


Feb 14, 2023


Cybersecurity in SMBs (Small and Medium Businesses)

Small businesses need to prioritize cybersecurity as they are often targeted by cybercriminals, and hiring a professional cybersecurity company like Zerod can ensure that your business is protected against a wide range of threats and help you comply with regulations. Hiring a cybersecurity company can provide rapid response and incident management in the event of a security incident, increase customer trust, and mitigate reputational damage.

Xavi Bertomeu

Zerod team

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