
Feb 28, 2023

5 cybersecurity measures you must implement in your e-commerce

Xavi Bertomeu

Zerod team

E-commerce websites are vulnerable to cyberattacks that can lead to theft of sensitive information and legal liabilities. Measures such as training employees and updating software can help protect against these risks.

An e-commerce website is a prime target for cyberattacks because of the sensitive information it handles, such as customer credit card information and personal data. If an attacker is able to successfully compromise an e-commerce website, they can steal this information and use it for fraudulent activities.

Additionally, cyberattacks can disrupt the normal operation of an e-commerce website, causing downtime and loss of revenue. This can damage the reputation of the business and lead to customer loss. Moreover, if a data breach occurs, the company can incur legal liability, fines and loss of compliance.

That's why in Zerod, we want to explain such important is to have a cybersecurity plan in place that can help to mitigate these risks by identifying potential vulnerabilities and implementing measures to protect the website and customer data. It also ensures that the company is complying with any relevant regulations or industry standards and could be used to demonstrate compliance to investors or partners.

So, if you are involved in an e-commerce business, these are 5 of the measures you must take to protect it:

Train and educate your staff on cybersecurity

Many threats use employee computers as a gateway. Now that hybrid work is widespread, and many people work with their personal computers from home, this is happening more frequently.

It is therefore very important to train employees about the risks of phishing, social engineering, and other types of cyberattacks, so that they can be aware of potential threats and know how to report any suspicious activity.

Protect devices

Protect all computers and devices used for business management. If employees are working remotely, provide them with tools such as antivirus, firewalls, etc. to keep them safe from cybercriminals. A firewall can be used to block unauthorized access to the server and to monitor incoming and outgoing network traffic.

Regular software updates

Keep the software and applications running on your e-commerce website up-to-date, this helps to patch any known security vulnerabilities.

Always make backup copies

Carry out a policy of frequent backups in your e-commerce. For example, if you have backups, you will be able to recover the information in a ransomware attack!

Use an SSL certificate

An SSL certificate means that the communication is encrypted and the user's online information will be kept safe when making purchases. Websites that are HTTPS, besides being better considered by Google, also will be trusted by buyers. It’s essential for protecting sensitive information such as credit card numbers and personal information during transmission.

It's also important to note that even with all these measures in place, it's impossible to completely eliminate the risk of a security breach, so it's also essential to have incident response plans in place to quickly respond to any security incidents that do occur.

In summary, an e-commerce website has a lot to lose if it's not properly protected against cyber threats, and having a cybersecurity plan in place is essential to minimize the risk of a security breach and protect the business, customers and its reputation.

Do you need us to guide you with the cybersecurity of your company? Contact Zerod, we can help you.

Xavi Bertomeu

Zerod team

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